Thermal transfer or direct transfer, DRAM 64MB standard, Flash 16MB standard, Printing Methods Thermal transfer or direct thermal, Resolution 203/300 dpi (operator interchangeable), Media Types: Roll or fanfold, Labels, tags and tickets, Paper, film or synthetic stock, Thermal Transfer or Direct Thermal, Media Thickness 0.0025” to 0.010”, Roll Core Diameter 3.0” (7.6 cm), Maximum Roll Diameter 8.0” (20.9 cm), Ethernet (supports PrintNet Enterprise and PXML), RS232 Serial, IEEE 1284 (Centronics), USB 2.0, Fonts: OCRA, OCRB, Courier, Letter Gothic, CG Times, CG Triumvirate, CG Triumvirate Bold, CG Triumvirate Bold Condensed, Character Set: Unicode with TrueType font support, Graphic Support: PCX, BMP and TIFF file formats, Windows Drivers: Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7.